@Lazar-Demin as always, thanks for the response! I literally keep this open waiting for developments as they occur
I am assuming that this information will come, but you seemed to point out something I was worried about:
I have a bunch of static and/or dynamic libraries I want to link with, but without control of a makefile, I can't ensure the resultant application is built/linked properly. This is a slight downside, but, I can just build something that requires static libs myself, at that point, as I'd have more capabilities myself then cloud compile would actually give me.
To that end, I just realized that I could extend the docker container I made up for nodejs compiling to utilize the toolchain and create a arbitrary programs given a directory filled with makefiles/sources/static libs.
Nominally, I could mount a directory of a project via -v flag to draw in any git repo for building in my toolchain container. I could then have a build hook/script within the container or in the git repo that, post-build step, POSTs the results to onion cloud for loading and installation to the omega. This would entail that I also, along with mounting the project directory, perhaps mount the credentials directory for the specific API key I want to post to. . .
Love it! Now that onion cloud/ubus/api integration is up, I feel the community can move at a much faster pace. I feel, though, that perhaps you should invite and open up your design meetings to members of the community (as much as you can without sacrificing your competitive edge) so that community advocates can do this sort of documentation and whiteboarding for you I mean, I'm happy to spitball all my good ideas and all, but I feel you all should get to your core business and allow critical functions to be taken over by your dedicated and fanatical community.
Keep up the good work!